Generally, a debt collector of consumer debt may not demand any more that what is legally due. Most consumer credit contracts have "acceleration clauses" where if you are deemed to be in default, the entire amount is accelerated and now due. Therefore, a debt collector may demand full payment.
Most debt collectors work under private policies and procedures that provide for payment plans. After all, a debt collector would rather get some money every month than no money ever. So, you must ask. If you think a debt collector is misrepresenting the policies and procedures, ask to speak to a supervisor or politely hang up and call back hoping for another agent.
If any of your FDCPA rights were violated or if you want to find out if your rights were violated, visit for a free, no obligation case evaluation by one of our experienced consumer rights attorneys. For the overwhelming majority of consumers, there is no out-of-pocket or upfront attorney’s fees or costs to them.
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